FR: ELTIF ordonnance


On 24 October 2024, the ELTIF Ordonnance entered into force. The draft law ratifying Ordinance No. 2024-662 of 3 July 2024 on the modernization of the alternative investment fund regime was tabled in Parliament on 1 October 2024.

The purpose of this Ordonnance is to adapt the provisions on collective investment schemes and their managers in order to:

  •  adapt the provisions on the composition, issuance of securities, liquidity management tools and the setting up of specialized professional funds, private equity funds and specialized financing organizations to facilitate their obtaining the designation ‘ELTIF’

  •  adapt the rules on the composition and constitution of alternative investment funds open to non-professional investors

  •  to facilitate the eligibility of funds that have been approved for use in enterprise mutual funds.