Flashnews: New measures on digital finance
The process of the AIFMD review started on 10 January 2019 with the publication by the European Commission of KPMG report* on AIFMD.
This new measure consists of:
1- A general strategy on digital finance.
2- Two legislative proposals on crypto-assets:
- A legislative proposal concerning crypto-assets not currently covered by the regulations (stable coins, utility tokens, etc.)
- A legislative proposal on the pilot scheme which allows temporary derogations from the existing rules in order to gain experience on distributed ledger technology;
3- A directive and regulation on operational resilience and supervision of third-party service providers (cloud, etc.).
It is also accompanied by a strategy on retail payments.
* https://ec.europa.eu/info/publications/200924-digital-finance-proposals_fr
Useful links:
23 September 2020 : Article AIFMD Review: the process is ongoing
03 September 2020 : Article The settlement disciplines regime (CSDR): A likely short-lived date
26 August 2020: Article The settlement disciplines regime (CSDR): A likely short-lived date
28 July 2020: Article CSDR: Could the implementation of the future settlement discipline regime be pushed back by a year?
03 July 2020: Podcast CSDR: Get ready