
25 set 2023
Publication of an AMF report on Private Equity
The French Financial Markets Authority (AMF) published a report on 11 September 2023 entitled "Private equity: state of...
Publication of an AMF report on Private Equity
The French Financial Markets Authority (AMF) published a report on 11 September 2023 entitled "Private equity: state of...
The French Financial Markets Authority (AMF) published a report on 11 September 2023 entitled "Private equity: state of play and vulnerabilities", in which it describes the growing Private Equity market, at the heart of the economy’s financing, and outlines the risks inherent in this type of investment.
Publication of an AMF report on Private Equity
20 set 2023
Artificial intelligence: from concept to reality in investment funds
Imagine one day talking to your computer, your car, your home and that they serve you precisely in the way expected....
Artificial intelligence: from concept to reality in investment funds
Imagine one day talking to your computer, your car, your home and that they serve you precisely in the way expected....
Imagine one day talking to your computer, your car, your home and that they serve you precisely in the way expected. With the advent of super-powered chatbots, the real-time availability of data, our endless imagination and brilliant human brains, that day may not be as far away as you thought. Artificial intelligence (AI) is already around us and is growing...
Artificial intelligence: from concept to reality in investment funds
14 set 2023
Fund liquidity risk management: a challenge for Asset Managers
In response to the AMF's requirements concerning liquidity management tools, Societe Generale Securities Services (SGSS)...
Fund liquidity risk management: a challenge for Asset Managers
In response to the AMF's requirements concerning liquidity management tools, Societe Generale Securities Services (SGSS)...
In response to the AMF's requirements concerning liquidity management tools, Societe Generale Securities Services (SGSS) provides its asset manager clients with a range of services.
Fund liquidity risk management: a challenge for Asset Managers
14 set 2023
ELTIF 2: Opportunities to grasp for Asset Managers and investors
The new European Long-Term Investment Funds regulation (ELTIF 2 or ELTIF review) becomes applicable on 10 January 2024. ...
ELTIF 2: Opportunities to grasp for Asset Managers and investors
The new European Long-Term Investment Funds regulation (ELTIF 2 or ELTIF review) becomes applicable on 10 January 2024. ...
The new European Long-Term Investment Funds regulation (ELTIF 2 or ELTIF review) becomes applicable on 10 January 2024.
This updated regulation is welcome by the fund industry. It is expected to create a more attractive framework for long-term investments, to provide more flexibility to Asset Managers and to improve access to retail investors.
ELTIF 2: Opportunities to grasp for Asset Managers and investors
13 set 2023
Come rafforzare i diritti degli azionisti?
Shareholders rights directive II è una normativa europea che definisce il set di regole volte a rafforzare i diritti...
Come rafforzare i diritti degli azionisti?
Shareholders rights directive II è una normativa europea che definisce il set di regole volte a rafforzare i diritti...
Shareholders rights directive II è una normativa europea che definisce il set di regole volte a rafforzare i diritti degli azionisti di società quotate sui mercati regolamentati. In particolare il miglioramento del processo comunicativo tra Emittenti e azionisti e l’agevolazione dell’esercizio del diritto di voto in occasione delle assemblee societarie anche...
Come rafforzare i diritti degli azionisti?
06 set 2023
Network managers go green and digital
Network managers are having to change the way they do business, as the emergence of Environmental, Social, Governance...
Network managers go green and digital
Network managers are having to change the way they do business, as the emergence of Environmental, Social, Governance...
Network managers are having to change the way they do business, as the emergence of Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) and new digital asset classes takes hold. Speaking at The Network Forum (TNF) in Athens in June, Fouad Massabni, Head of ESG Offer at Societe Generale Securities Services (SGSS) and Laurent Marochini, Head of Innovation at SGSS, outlined...
Network managers go green and digital
01 set 2023
ESG – Voluntary vs. Regulatory? Both?
The implementation of sustainable finance and "green" investment objectives is gradual and entails a shift in mindset....
ESG – Voluntary vs. Regulatory? Both?
The implementation of sustainable finance and "green" investment objectives is gradual and entails a shift in mindset....
The implementation of sustainable finance and "green" investment objectives is gradual and entails a shift in mindset. This requires further education to raise awareness of environmental impacts. In this context, combining regulatory and voluntary commitments on ESG matters can be a complex task for Asset Managers and Asset Owners, but it is essential. And...
ESG – Voluntary vs. Regulatory? Both?
29 ago 2023
CSDR - SDR: 31 August 2024: End of CCPs' role in collecting penalties
Article 19 of Delegated Regulation 2018/1229 had entrusted CCPs* with the task of collecting (and redistributing) from...
CSDR - SDR: 31 August 2024: End of CCPs' role in collecting penalties
Article 19 of Delegated Regulation 2018/1229 had entrusted CCPs* with the task of collecting (and redistributing) from...
Article 19 of Delegated Regulation 2018/1229 had entrusted CCPs* with the task of collecting (and redistributing) from their clearing members the penalties calculated by CSDs**.
CSDR - SDR: 31 August 2024: End of CCPs' role in collecting penalties
08 ago 2023
Digital assets are a challenge
As a global asset servicer, Societe Generale Securities Services is called on to inter-vene on a number of fronts,...
Digital assets are a challenge
As a global asset servicer, Societe Generale Securities Services is called on to inter-vene on a number of fronts,...
As a global asset servicer, Societe Generale Securities Services is called on to inter-vene on a number of fronts, including in technology. The B2B Magazin editorial team spoke to Laurent Marochini, Head of Innovation at Societe Generale Securities Services, about the challenges of digital assets and currencies, including regulatory issues.
Digital assets are a challenge
08 ago 2023
What is the RAIF (Reserved Alternative Investment Fund)?
What is the RAIF? Discover the Reserved Alternative Investment Fund, its features, benefits and how it works.
What is the RAIF (Reserved Alternative Investment Fund)?
What is the RAIF? Discover the Reserved Alternative Investment Fund, its features, benefits and how it works.
What is the RAIF? Discover the Reserved Alternative Investment Fund, its features, benefits and how it works.
What is the RAIF (Reserved Alternative Investment Fund)?
21 lug 2023
Modernising Luxembourg's legislative framework for investment funds
A draft law presented in March 2023 by the Luxembourg Ministry of Finance was approved by the Chamber of Deputies on...
Modernising Luxembourg's legislative framework for investment funds
A draft law presented in March 2023 by the Luxembourg Ministry of Finance was approved by the Chamber of Deputies on...
A draft law presented in March 2023 by the Luxembourg Ministry of Finance was approved by the Chamber of Deputies on 11th July, 2023.
Modernising Luxembourg's legislative framework for investment funds
20 lug 2023
New Spanish market reform: all you need to know on the measures and upgrades
The Spanish settlement process will soon undergo another reform; Societe Generale Securities Services Madrid is...
New Spanish market reform: all you need to know on the measures and upgrades
The Spanish settlement process will soon undergo another reform; Societe Generale Securities Services Madrid is...
The Spanish settlement process will soon undergo another reform; Societe Generale Securities Services Madrid is upgrading its system to get prepared.
New Spanish market reform: all you need to know on the measures and upgrades
05 lug 2023
CSDR Refit: The adoption of the text is imminent
The EU Council announced on 27 June that a provisional agreement had been reached between the Parliament and the Council...
CSDR Refit: The adoption of the text is imminent
The EU Council announced on 27 June that a provisional agreement had been reached between the Parliament and the Council...
The EU Council announced on 27 June that a provisional agreement had been reached between the Parliament and the Council on the revision of CSDR*.
CSDR Refit: The adoption of the text is imminent
26 giu 2023
L’AMF publie sa synthèse des contrôles SPOT sur le respect des engagements extra-financiers contractuels des sociétés de gestion
(Only available in French) L’Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) a diligenté une étude et une campagne de contrôles...
L’AMF publie sa synthèse des contrôles SPOT sur le respect des engagements extra-financiers contractuels des sociétés de gestion
(Only available in French) L’Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) a diligenté une étude et une campagne de contrôles...
(Only available in French) L’Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) a diligenté une étude et une campagne de contrôles SPOT* sur le respect des engagements extra-financiers contractuels des fonds (OPCVM** et FIA***) gérés par les sociétés de gestion de portefeuille (SGP). L’AMF a publié sa synthèse le 12 juin 2023.
L’AMF publie sa synthèse des contrôles SPOT sur le respect des engagements extra-financiers contractuels des sociétés de gestion
20 giu 2023
Fonds d’épargne salariale : l'AMF modifie sa doctrine concernant l’introduction simplifiée d’outils de gestion de la liquidité
(Only available in French) Dans la continuité des mesures prises en octobre et novembre 2022 pour faciliter...
Fonds d’épargne salariale : l'AMF modifie sa doctrine concernant l’introduction simplifiée d’outils de gestion de la liquidité
(Only available in French) Dans la continuité des mesures prises en octobre et novembre 2022 pour faciliter...
(Only available in French) Dans la continuité des mesures prises en octobre et novembre 2022 pour faciliter l’introduction des outils de gestion de la liquidité dans les organismes de placement collectif (OPC), le 12 juin 2023 l’Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) publie une nouvelle mise à jour de son instruction DOC-2011-21 pour prendre en compte les...
Fonds d’épargne salariale : l'AMF modifie sa doctrine concernant l’introduction simplifiée d’outils de gestion de la liquidité
Mostra di più

SGSS' European Investor Summit 2024 Wrap-up video
SGSS' fifth edition of the European Investor Summit was held on 1 October 2024 in the Societe Generale towers in La...
SGSS' fifth edition of the European Investor Summit was held on 1 October 2024 in the Societe Generale towers in La...
Market Perspectives
SGSS' fifth edition of the European Investor Summit was held on 1 October 2024 in the Societe Generale towers in La Défense. The event gathered over 200 Asset Owners, Asset Managers and Financial professionals for a day full of conferences and panels as experts shared the best insights on the significant challenges and opportunities facing our industry.
SGSS' European Investor Summit 2024 Wrap-up video
SGSS' European Investor Summit 2023 Wrap-up video
SGSS' fourth edition of the European Investor Summit was held on 6 June 2023 in the Societe Generale towers in La...
SGSS' fourth edition of the European Investor Summit was held on 6 June 2023 in the Societe Generale towers in La...
Market Perspectives
SGSS' fourth edition of the European Investor Summit was held on 6 June 2023 in the Societe Generale towers in La Défense. The event gathered over 150 Asset Owners, Asset Managers and Financial professionals for one day of discussion around topics such as ESG, Private Markets, Liquid Alternatives, the future of Asset Management, etc.
SGSS' European Investor Summit 2023 Wrap-up video
SGSS, your partner for sustainable investments
The consideration of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) criteria has become a key topic in finance and a major theme...
The consideration of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) criteria has become a key topic in finance and a major theme...
The consideration of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) criteria has become a key topic in finance and a major theme for both asset managers and asset owners. In a complex regulatory framework (SFDR, Taxonomy, CSRD, etc.), SGSS supports you every step of the way in defining and implementing your ESG strategies.
SGSS, your partner for sustainable investments
Data: A key issue for execution performance
What is the cost of the data needed for accessing liquidity? What is the impact of data on the quality of management and...
What is the cost of the data needed for accessing liquidity? What is the impact of data on the quality of management and...
Execution & Dealing Services (I-Deal)
What is the cost of the data needed for accessing liquidity?
What is the impact of data on the quality of management and reporting?
How does I-DEAL, SGSS' customisable dealing and execution outsourcing solution, enable asset managers optimise this cost?
Vincent Borras, Deputy Head of Market Solutions, explains.
Data: A key issue for execution performance