Societe Generale Securities Services (SGSS) Switzerland, Romania, Czech Republic and Morocco awarded best sub-custodian bank 2022 by Global Finance
On May 30th 2022, Global Finance announced its selections for the 20th annual Best Sub-custodian Bank Awards of the year. SGSS has been awarded for its services in Switzerland, Romania, Czech Republic and Morocco.
We are very proud to have been awarded by Global Finance Best Sub-Custodian Bank 2022 in the following countries:
The criteria included customer relations, quality of service, competitive pricing, smooth handling of exception items, technology platforms, post-settlement operations, business continuity plans and knowledge of local regulations and practices.
These awards confirm SGSS’ long-term strategy, focused primarily on Europe and Africa, with ongoing investments in technology, and recognize our excellence in providing top-notch securities services to global clients.
We would like to thank our clients for their continuous trust, as well as all the SGSS teams involved!