Chi siamo

SGSS propone una gamma completa di servizi che ben si adattano alla recente evoluzione del mercato finanziario e della regolamentazione.

La nostra ambizione è di essere il partner di riferimento all’interno dei mercati principali, riconosciuto per la qualità e la competitività dei servizi offerti, l'agilità delle soluzioni e l'estensione della nostra rete internazionale.



Puntiamo su relazioni collaborative e di lungo periodo, supportando la crescita e lo sviluppo dei nostri clienti. In un contesto mondiale complesso e in continua evoluzione, siamo fortemente impegnati nel fornire soluzioni quotidiane di securities services efficienti ed affidabili per garantire il loro successo.

Scopri la nostra brochure

Dati di sintesi (fine Settembre 2024)


miliardi di euro
Asset in custodia


miliardi di euro
Patrimonio amministrato


Custodia e banca depositaria



19 sedi in 17 paesi

La nostra ambizione è essere il partner di riferimento nei principali mercati, riconosciuto per la qualità del nostro servizio, la competitività, le soluzioni agili e la copertura internazionale.

Frise SGSS

Il vostro profilo


Arnaud Jacquemin
Arnaud Jacquemin
Head of Societe Generale Securities Services
Societe Generale Securities Services

Arnaud Jacquemin is appointed Head of Societe Generale Securities Services in September 2023.

He joined Societe Generale Group in 1993 within the corporate and investment bank, where he worked in a number of positions both in France and the USA, notably in project finance then as head of strategy for SG CIB. In 2003, he joined the Finance and Development division as Deputy Head, then Head of Financial Management. In 2008, he was appointed Group Deputy Chief Financial Officer. In 2012 he joined the Risk division as Deputy Chief Risk Officer. He was appointed Group Deputy General Secretary in 2015, notably heading the transformation of the Compliance division, and Deputy Head of Group Compliance in 2017. In June 2018, he became Group Country Head for Luxembourg and CEO of Societe Generale Luxembourg, which conducts all Group businesses in Luxembourg.

Arnaud Jacquemin is a graduate of the École polytechnique and the Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées.

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Gaëlle Duclos
Gaëlle Duclos
Deputy Head of SGSS and Head of Fund Services Operations & Securities Banking Operations
Societe Generale Securities Services

Gaëlle Duclos is Deputy Head of SGSS and Head of Fund Services Operations and Securities Banking Operations within Societe Generale Securities Services (SGSS). She is also a member of SGSS' Executive Committee.

Gaëlle Duclos started her career in 1993 at Indosuez, first within General Inspection and then as Business Associate in charge of North Asia (export credits). She joined Societe Generale group in 2003 within the Corporate and Investment Bank where she held various positions in Capital Market and Structured Finance Operations, then in International Private Banking Operations. In addition to her position as Head of Fund Services Operations since July 2019, she was appointed Head of Securities Banking Operations in January 2024, and Deputy Head of SGSS in January 2025.

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Franck Bonte
Franck Bonte
Co-Head of Transformation & Technology Delivery
Societe Generale Securities Services

Franck Bonte joined Societe Generale in 1999, holding diverse IT positions in the corporate investment banking division of Societe Generale for 18 years, supporting the Front Office, Risk and Finance business lines. He was IT Vice President for 4 years in New York. He then headed the Fixed Income and Equity Risk Engine Transformation and managed strategic programmes. For 4 years, he was Regional Head of Technology and Operations for the Finance, Risk and Market Data & Architecture activity in India (Bengalore). In 2020, he was appointed Deputy Head of Transformation and Technology Delivery and Global Chief Information Officer of SGSS. In January 2025, he was appointed Co-Head of Transformation & Technology Delivery. He is a member of SGSS’ Executive Committee.

Franck is also a board member and a member of the Risk committee of Societe Generale Securities Services S.p.A (Italy).

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Tanguy Savidan
Tanguy Savidan
Co-Head of Transformation & Technology Delivery
Societe Generale Securities Services

Tanguy Savidan joined Societe Generale Inspection in 2000 after two years in internal audit. Starting in 2007 he held various global positions within Newedge Group, managing successively internal audit and client onboarding teams, and then the integration of Newedge France into Societe Generale. Between 2016 and 2023, he focused on servicing SGSS clients, first as Head of Sales Support and RFP teams, then as Deputy Head and Head of Client Services. Tanguy is SGSS Head of Strategy since January 2024. In January 2025, he was appointed Co-Head of Transformation & Technology Delivery. He is a member of SGSS’ Executive Committee.

He holds a Master’s degree in Finance from Angers Business School and is a TRIUM Global EMBA graduate.

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Alexandra Chauvel
Alexandra Chauvel
Co-Head of Coverage, Marketing and Solutions
Societe Generale Securities Services

Alexandra Chauvel is appointed Co-Head of Coverage, Marketing & Solutions in September 2021. She began her career at A.T.Kearney where, over eight years, she took part in the development of the Financial Institution Practice. Early 2007, Alexandra joined Societe Generale as Audit Worldwide Coordinator on SGCIB Client Coverage and Structured Finance activities. In parallel, Alexandra created the module “Pratique du Conseil” in the Finance and Strategy Master at Paris Institute of Political Studies. Early 2013, she joined the Commercial Direction of Private Banking, to create the Credit Advisor function, and then mid-2015 the KYC Advisor function. In addition to the management of 70 deal-structuring experts, she initiated and achieved several client service improvement projects on credit granting and on-boarding, whether in terms of offer, processes or digital solutions. 

Alexandra Chauvel graduated from ESCP (1998).

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Gildas Le Treut
Gildas Le Treut
Co-Head of Coverage, Marketing and Solutions
Societe Generale Securities Services

Gildas Le Treut is appointed Co-Head of Coverage, Marketing & Solutions in September 2021. He joined SGSS as Head of Sales and Relationship Management in May 2018 after 11 years at ABN Amro Clearing. Since 2007, he has been successively Managing Director of the branch in France (Fortis Bank Nederland), Global Head of Product & Network Management and Global Director of Prime Services. He has developed ABN AMRO Clearing franchise for institutional investors, banks, asset managers and hedge funds. He started his career in 1996 at BNP Paribas Securities Services in the equity clearing team where he occupied various positions before being promoted as Sales & Relationship Manager for Continental Europe.

Gildas Le Treut has a Masters degree in Bank & Finance from Sorbonne University.

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Lionel Duvernay
Lionel Duvernay
Head of Chief Administrative Office and Head of SGSS' trustee and depositary bank function in France
Societe Generale Securities Services

Lionel Duvernay is appointed Head of Chief Administrative Office in May 2021. He is also Head of SGSS' trustee and depositary bank function in France, in charge of relations with the French regulatory supervisor, the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), since October 2022.

He joined Societe Generale in 1998 in the General Inspection department. In 2005, he was appointed Head of Debt Capital Market Operations in Europe, then in the US, covering middle and back office functions for Securitization. In New York, he is subsequently appointed Chief of Staff to the COO Americas in 2008. After an experience of Program management within MARK/CTY, he became in 2012 Chief Financial Officer for GLFI (Global Finance) and CORI (Coverage & Corporate Finance) Business Units. In 2017, with the creation of DFIN/DTO (Digital & Transformation Office), he took the worldwide responsibility of DFIN project management teams.

Lionel is a graduate of Telecom SudParis and HEC Paris. 

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Entra nel gruppo!

Sei alla ricerca di uno ambiente internazionale in cui esprimerti al meglio?

SGSS ti offre l'opportunità di lavorare con interlocutori di nazionalità e culture diverse e di costruirti una carriera internazionale in un mercato in piena espansione. Grazie al contatto con professionisti qualificati, avrai modo di acquisire competenze che ti permetteranno di ricoprire diverse funzioni.

Ci impegneremo a migliorare la tua carriera, a partire dalla formazione più appropriata.


macaron award

ISAE 3402

SGSS è certificata ISAE 3402 type 1 & 2 in alcuni paesi:
Clicca qui per maggiori informazioni.

macaron award

ISO 9001

SGSS è certificata ISO 9001 versione 2015 in Francia per i Piani di Risparmio dei Dipendenti.