Societe Generale Securities Services in Italy mandated by Fondapi to provide Custody & Trustee services
Societe Generale Securities Services (SGSS) in Italy has been selected again to provide custody & trustee services following a tender procedure by Fondapi, the national supplementary pension fund dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises workers, consolidating a relationship started in 2004.
With assets of almost 1 billion euros*, Fondapi has adopted sustainability principles (ESG) in its investment activity since 2008.
Mauro Bichelli, President of Fondapi, commented:
After a careful selection aimed at the main market players, the Fund has once again mandated its current custodian. We believe that the market audit is a strong point both for Fondapi and the bank itself because it recognizes the bank's progress, especially in the ancillary services.
Valeria Dal Corso, Chief Executive Officer of SGSS in Italy, added:
We are very proud that Fondapi, a key player in the Italian social security sector, selected us again to provide custody and trustee services. During these years SGSS in Italy supported the Pension Fund in its growth and development process, and this mandate represents for us a testimony of trust and rewards our presence on the market to support the segment at a local level since the birth of the pension fund segment.
* Figures at the end of 2022