Our PMS provides comprehensive real-time information on portfolios.

Portfolio Management System (PMS)
How can Societe Generale Securities Services support asset managers in their investment management process?
To stay ahead in a highly competitive market, portfolio managers need clean and up-to-date positions and cash information. A real-time comprehensive and accurate data provision, across all portfolios, is key for decision-making, risk assessment, compliance and client servicing.
In a fast changing environment, our Portfolio Management System (PMS)helps our clients focus on their core business - investment management - and reduces their IT maintenance costs, while SGSS ensures the continuous update of the technical infrastructure to anticipate new legal and regulatory requirements in the market.
The service is based on SimCorp Dimension®, a state-of-the-art platform, designed for the most demanding asset managers.
Our Portfolio Management System (PMS) is fully pre-configured and access to main data sources is already organised, allowing for a quick start-up by the client.
Our PMS solution offers a comprehensive set of functionalities for asset managers to support their investment management process: portfolio analysis, portfolio management, order management, pre-trade compliance check and trading.
Our Portfolio Management Platform (PMS) is part of CrossWise, our turnkey fully integrated front-to-back outsourcing solution:

Key features and benefits
It provides extensive static data on securities, including full assistance in the use of market data.
Its user interface is fully customisable, depending on the needs of clients (e.g. user rights and profiles).
Our Portfolio Management System (PMS) ensures automated trading workflows (i.e. order integration, pre-trade compliance checks and order routing in one single step).
It ensures optimal connectivity with clients' potential external providers (custodians, transfer agents, dealing desks, brokers…) via FIX®-Protocol (Financial Information eXchange).
It includes ESG considerations with a pre-trade control solution prior to any orders being placed, as well as indicators and reporting to ensure alignment with the defined ESG strategy.