Banks, Brokers & Dealers
Retail and institutional clients expect their bank to provide a high level of protection for their assets under custody. And it’s true that, for a bank, carefully selecting its custodian is all the more important because of increasing cyber-attacks, political instability in several parts of the world, financial risks deriving from multiple legal, regulatory, tax and operational frameworks.
To meet growing expectations of banks and brokers, SGSS has set up a unique European offer leveraging one of the largest proprietary networks, with a high-quality service fully compliant with local asset protection regulations such as CSDR in the EU. Providing direct access to more than 20 CSDs, a unique network of local and international infrastructures (execution venues, central clearing counterparties and cash payment systems) and highly industrialised processes, SGSS is in a position to manage cross-border transactions very efficiently, drawing on the holistic coverage of a pan-European custodian.
In this capacity, and with the support of a Societe Generale network covering more than 80 markets, SGSS supports clients’ projects and operations with in-depth expertise in local matters, in order to provide the most appropriate solutions to its clients.
EMIR - SOCIETE GENERALE (SGSS) disclosure of prices and fees of clearing services for Cash Equity.