SGSS awarded best sub-custodian bank 2020 by Global Finance
SGSS was awarded “Best Sub-Custodian of the Year 2020 ” in six different regions and countries by Global Finance
We are very proud to have been awarded by Global Finance Best Sub-Custodian Bank 2020 in the following region and countries:
- Western Europe
- Ivory Coast
- France
- Morocco
- Romania
- Russia
The criteria included customer relations, quality of service, competitive pricing, smooth handling of exception items, technology platforms, post-settlement operations, business continuity plans and knowledge of local regulations and practices.
These awards confirm SGSS’ long-term strategy, focused primarily on Europe and Africa, with ongoing investments in technology, and recognize our excellence in providing top-notch securities services to global clients.
We would like to thank our clients for their continuous trust, as well as all the SGSS teams involved!