MiCA: The European Commission adopts 4 new delegated regulations
The European Commission has taken a further step towards the implementation of the Crypto Asset Markets Regulation (MiCA)...
...by adopting on 22 February 2024 four MiCA delegated acts regarding:
The criteria used to classify "Asset Reference Tokens" (ART) and "E-Money Tokens" (EMT) as significant;
The rules governing EBA’s (European Banking Authority) sanctioning power over significant “Asset Reference Tokens” (ART) and “E-Money Tokens” (EMT) issuers;
Supervisory fees that may be charged by EBA to significant ART and EMT issuers;
The conditions for exercising the power of intervention of the authorities on products regulated by MiCA.
The Parliament and the European Council shall have a period of three months, renewable once, to raise objections to these delegated acts. After the expiry of this period, the acts will begin to apply.
Find out more about MiCA (Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation).