Start-up Epsor launches a 100% digital employee savings scheme, in partnership with SGSS
Epsor, a fintech specialising in employee savings schemes, today announces the launch of an online offer, in partnership with Societe Generale Securities Services.
Straightforward and specifically designed for very small businesses and SMEs, Epsor is simplifying employee savings schemes, often unfamiliar to company bosses and misunderstood by employees.
With only 15% of French SMEs1 having employee savings schemes – and these often perceived as being complex and bureaucratic by all company stakeholders – Epsor’s ambition is to simplify and democratise procedures relating to these plans.
Whether standard or tailor-made incentive schemes, savings plans (company or pension plans) or contribution schemes, Epsor takes charge of all administrative procedures and offers an innovative service to savers, with personalised educational support and advice on investment choices.
Societe Generale Securities Services supports Epsor as custodian-account keeper of employee savings, while enabling the fintech to access the interfaces of its IT system (API2). By combining Societe Generale’s expertise in securities with the agility of Epsor teams, every small company can access a simple employee savings scheme tailored to its situation.
“We want to provide an innovative and high-performance service for employees and business bosses. To do this, we have chosen to rely on Societe Generale’s solid account keeping and post-market service expertise. This partnership is a very important sign of confidence for our clients”, comments Julien Niquet, co-founder and CEO of Epsor.
Epsor has already serviced dozens of companies and has collected several million euros in assets. The launch of this innovative offer is fully in line with the changes in legislation covering employee savings schemes (Pacte law), which are intended to promote their use within very small businesses and SMEs.
1 Source: DARES 2018 studies
2 API: Application Programming Interface
Press Contact:
EPSOR – Benjamin PEDRINI – +33 (0) – benjamin.pedrini@epsor.fr
SGSS – Tan LE QUANG – +33 (0) – tan.le-quang@socgen.com - @SG_presse
Epsor is a start-up specialising in employee savings that is modernising these schemes, which are often unfamiliar among very small businesses and SMEs and misunderstood by employees. It helps companies benefit from an employee savings scheme that is suited to their situation (standard or tailor-made incentive schemes, savings plans, contribution schemes), manages all administrative procedures and offers a real service for employees with personalised online financial advice to explain to them the benefit or otherwise of using their “PEE” (company savings plan) and carry out their investment choices. Epsor sets itself apart from traditional offers, notably regarding price, performance and advice to savers.
For more information, follow the https://fr.linkedin.com/company/epsor-sas LinkedIn account or go to the www.epsor.fr website
Societe Generale Securities Services
Established in 27 locations worldwide with 4,000 employees, SGSS offers its clients, financial institutions and brokers, asset managers, insurers and companies, global solutions that are adapted to the latest trends in financial markets and regulation: clearing services, custody and trustee services, retail custody services, fund administration and asset servicing, liquidity management, as well as transfer agent and issuer services.
SGSS is among the top ten global custodians and the second largest European custodian with EUR 4,094* billion of assets under custody. SGSS provides custody services for 3,461* funds and conducts valuations for 4,188* funds, representing assets under administration of EUR 636* billion. SGSS also ranks among the European leaders in the administration of stock option plans.
For more information, follow the @SG_SS Twitter account or visit the https://www.securities-services.societegenerale.com website
*Figures at end-June 2018