SGSS has been awarded the mandate for the inter-professional pension fund for independent professions
“La Caisse Interprofessionnelle de Prévoyance et d’Assurance Vieillesse des Professions Libérales” (La CIPAV, the inter-professional pension fund for independent professions) has renewed its trust in Societe Generale Securities Services (SGSS) for its securities services.
An SGSS client for the last decade, La CIPAV launched a call for tenders in October 2018 regarding the custody of its financial assets, the valuing and depositary control of its dedicated funds and a look-through (*) and data enhancement service for the fund units held in the portfolio.
A Social Security organisation, La CIPAV was set up in 1978. It has a securities portfolio estimated to be worth over 6 billion euros managed by numerous asset management companies.
In order to be chosen by La CIPAV, SGSS had to meet very stringent specifications in terms of the combination of a number of service quality, technical value and price criteria.
(*) SGSS will provide its client with a “look-through” view of the assets, with level 1 detail for the fund units held by the client and level 2 detail for fund of fund units.