Client claims
Client satisfaction is essential to Societe Generale Securities Services.
You can send your claims or complaints directly to your usual SGSS contact.
Careful consideration will be given by our Client Service department to any complaint sent to Societe Generale Securities Services (hereafter “SGSS”).
SGSS will acknowledge receipt of your request within 10 business days. The acknowledgment of receipt will include:
- the maximum response delay time (2 months maximum from the date of sending, the postmark being taken as proof for claims sent by post);
- the contact details of the department in charge of processing the claim;
- if applicable, the transmission of the claim to another processing authority (In the event that the final answer is not entirely favorable to you, it will expose the available remedies, including the contact details of the mediator(s) - see below).
Please note that these deadlines are regulatory; If local regulations or commitments published by an entity indicate shorter response times, these will obviously be respected.
You can address your request to your usual interlocutor:
- For clients: Please contact your Relationship Manager and / or the Head of Relationship Manager, or SGSS’ Head of Sales & Relationship Management, or any other usual contact;
- For prospects: Please contact your commercial contact or SGSS’ sales representative.
You can contact them at your convenience and by any means: telephone, usual email address, mail to the address of Societe Generale Securities Services, etc.
You can also use our contact form.
As a last resort, if a disagreement persists as a result of the response provided by our services, if you are a client of SGSS in France, you may refer the matter free of charge to one of the following two mediators in line with the mediation charter, using electronic forms rather than post whenever possible.
The Ombudsman of the FBF
In reviewing any matter, the Ombudsman undertakes the consideration of both the client’s and the bank’s point of view, evaluates arguments from each of the parties and makes a decision in all fairness.
The Ombudsman will respond to you directly within two months of receipt of the written submissions of the parties relating to the claim.
The Ombudsman of the Fédération bancaire française (FBF) can be contacted via:
Electronic form: https://lemediateur.fbf.fr
Le Médiateur de la FBF
CS 151 – 75422 Paris cedex 09, France
The Ombudsman of the AMF
The Ombudsman of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) can be contacted via:
Electronic form: https://www.amf-france.org/fr/le-mediateur-de-lamf/votre-dossier-de-mediation/vous-voulez-deposer-une-demande-de-mediation
Le Médiateur de l'AMF
17 place de la Bourse
75082 Paris Cedex 02, France
If you are a client of an SGSS entity outside France, the local Ombudsman contact needs to be requested from the entity directly. It will be provided by simple request during the complaint process.