SGSS supports you in the production of your SFDR reportings
The SFDR technical standards apply from 1 January 2023.
On 25 July 2022, the technical standards to be used by financial market participants when disclosing sustainability information under the Sustainable Financial Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) were published in the European Union Official Journal. Under these standards (RTS), financial market participants will provide detailed information on how they address and reduce the potential negative impacts of their investments on the environment and society at large. In addition, these new requirements will help to assess the sustainability performance of financial products.
These RTS will come into effect on January 1, 2023. From 2023, Asset Management companies and Asset Managers will be responsible for collecting data related to ESG criteria and its alignment with the “taxonomy” regulation to carry out the calculations requested and produce the SFDR report to be appended to the quarterly information, semi-annual or annual published for investors (DICI/KID or PRIIPS, annual financial report of UCITS and AIFs and semi-annual report of UCITS).
Societe Generale has made sustainable finance one of the pillars of its development. As such, SGSS supports its clients (investment funds/management companies/asset managers) to enable them to manage their sustainable investment criteria in their portfolio management system and to meet their regulatory obligations, in particular SFDR regulatory reporting, EET reports and ESG management reports for investors.
Your usual relationship managers are at your disposal to accompany you on the subject.
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