CSDR - SDR: 31 August 2024: End of CCPs' role in collecting penalties
Article 19 of Delegated Regulation 2018/1229 had entrusted CCPs* with the task of collecting (and redistributing) from their clearing members the penalties calculated by CSDs**.
In April 2023, the European Commission (EC) adopted an evolution of the text allowing the application of a single process for all penalties***.
The period of non-objection has just ended. The text (2023/1626) therefore becomes official (publication in the OJ of the Union on 11 August 2023) and enters into force on 31 August 2023 for implementation one year later (31 August 2024).
*CCP: Central Counterparty
**CSD: Central Securities Depository
***Read our related Flash News: CSDR – SDR: Role of CCPs in collecting penalties