SGSS mandated by Trifecta Capital Services in South Africa
Societe Generale Securities Services in South Africa has been mandated by Trifecta Capital Services to provide custody services. These services will initially be provided in South Africa, with further implementation planned in other jurisdictions where Trifecta Capital Services is present.
SGSS was retained by Trifecta Capital Services for its recognised expertise in providing securities services in South Africa and its expanding presence in sub-Saharan Africa. SGSS, which has been providing securities services to domestic clients in South Africa for over 20 years, was also chosen for its worldwide reach, as well as for the international breadth and scope of the services it offers, which include recently extended services in Mauritius, Ghana and Tunisia.
SGSS offers a full range of services to a client–base of asset managers, global custodians, investment banks and broker dealers in South Africa. Its overall offering in the country now includes both local and global custody, clearing & settlement services across all asset classes, as well as securities lending and treasury solutions.
Trifecta Capital Services is a global leader in outsourced services for private and public sector clients, with offices in South Africa, Kenya and Europe. It delivers outsourced services in Revenue Management, Asset Return, Transfer Secretarial Services, Corporate Actions and Shareholder Administration to private and public sector clients, which include banks, telecommunication companies, insurance and assurance companies as well as fund administrators and governments. Trifecta Capital Services administers more than 2 million accounts annually.