SGSS is a proud sponsor of the 2024 edition of the AM TECH DAY, which will be held in Palais Brongniart in Paris on October 8th 2024.
This pan-European conference has become a not-to-be-missed event in the asset management industry.
We will be a part of this event and will welcome you on our booth 34 to discuss the latest innovations and answer your questions. We will be delighted to meet you there!
10:30 - 11:00
Using AI in processes: how to achieve a successful deployment strategy? What are the most promising use cases and how can they be identified?
Stéphanie Gaudoux, Societe Generale Securities Services
Raphaël Crétinon, Périclès
Remi Desmichels, Tikehau
Mathieu Keip, Amundi
Hear from our expert:
12:00 - 12:40
What operational efficiency and increase in profitability can we expect thanks to AI? Is process optimisation primarily a matter of training and management rather than technology?
Franck Bonte, Societe Generale Securities Services
Christophe Descohand, La Française
Alain Albizzati, Lazard Frères
For more details, please click here.